Tuesday, 22 March 2011

PES - Stop Motion Animation - Research

I wanted to get a quick start with the research for this project so that I had a good base knowledge of different types of animation, because I don't have much experience in this area of design, but it is something that I really enjoy.

These videos are made by PES, who uses regular, everyday items to create a stop motion animation.
Advertising videos have been made for many brands like: Barcardi, Scrabble, Playstation and Nike.

I like the brightness of this animation and the full colour. I also like the snake-like movement of the scrabble pieces, which brings a realism to the animation. However the sound effects like the speeding cars make the animation so much more captivating but these wouldn't be used in my animation.

This animation is also really interesting, the movements are very realistic and such an ingenious idea that i really like, but again the sound effects of this animation are also really important to its success.